The Core

When you strip everything away, this is what defines Good News Church:

Miraculous Power

We see ourselves as an extension of the Book of Acts. We are writing a chapter there of God’s great power flowing through us today as He did then. We believe that miracles are for today and that God empowers believers to do the same works that we read about in the New Testament.


We focus on equipping and training people for real life. We develop leaders through the teaching of the Word, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and continued education and training. We recognize the believer’s ministry and promote every member being an Ambassador for Christ.


We emphasize tithing, generosity, managing resources well, taking care of our facilities, identifying and developing individual gifts, and partnering with other ministries and their visions.


We believe in living under grace, not under the law. Our righteousness comes from God as we recognize ourselves as His sons and daughters. We know and exercise our authority as believers. We want to have fun, excitement and “in your face preaching” as a regular part of our services and events. We believe in being bold and doing things on purpose and not just for ritual or tradition.

Common Unity

We come together as a community to share our lives and work together for a common purpose. We are “friends with a cause” who are unified in our desire to see God’s plans accomplished in our lives and worlds. We provide opportunities for people to connect in various settings to fellowship and grow spiritually.

Holy Spirit Led

We encourage others to hear from God concerning His vision and specific will for their lives. We cultivate an environment where people can be open to change and revelation from God, where the gifts of the Spirit are in operation, and where we make room for Him to “have His way.”

Open Arms

We are non-exclusive and strive to create a culture where diversity is not only accepted, but the norm. We want new people of differing backgrounds, races, economic status, etc.. We have grace for others as we serve them. We do not judge others—period.

Passion For Souls

Our hearts beat for people to experience God’s goodness and know His great love. We are all about the Great Commission and taking the Good News into our worlds. We pray for the laborers as Jesus instructed in Matthew 9, and we show up to be the laborers He sent out in Matthew 10. God desires that all men be saved – and so do we!